Quantum Devices
Quantum Devices Sidebar
The Quantum Devices sidebar allows you monitor the availability of 20+ quantum devices:

Device Status Indicators
In the quantum devices sidebar, the status of a device is represented by a colored circle next to its name. Hovering over the circle reveals a tooltip displaying the device’s current status. Together, the color and tooltip provide a quick overview of the device’s availability:
- Green (
): The device is online and available, meaning it is fully operational, accepting jobs, and actively executing them. - Grey (
): The device is online but currently unavailable. It can accept jobs into the queue, but execution will be delayed until the next “availability window.” - Red (
): The device is offline, meaning it is either not operational or not currently accepting jobs. However, it is expected to come back online in the future. - Red (
): The device is permanently retired, meaning it is no longer operational and will not be brought back online.
For detailed pricing information on available devices, visit the Pricing page.
qBraid does not provide direct access to IBM devices. To run quantum jobs on IBM hardware, you must use your own IBM credentials. Jobs submitted to IBM devices will not appear in the Quantum Jobs sidebar.
For more details on submitting and managing quantum jobs, visit the Quantum Jobs page.