Persistent and Non-Persistent Files

When working within the qBraid Lab environment, please note that modifications to certain files and directories will not persist between sessions. The affected files and directories include:

  • .bash_logout
  • .conda
  • .config
  • .ipython
  • .jupyter
  • .local
  • .profile
  • .wget-hsts

Any changes made to these files or directories will be reset once your session ends.

Customizing Your Environment

Your .bashrc file contains a specific delimiter to delineate which sections of the file can be safely modified to persist between sessions. Here is the structure of the delimiter:

# ==================== DO NOT MODIFY CODE ABOVE THIS LINE ====================
# You may add your custom configurations below this line.

Please ensure that any customizations you wish to retain are added below this delimiter line. Changes made above this line will not be saved when your session ends.

Suppressing the Terminal Banner

If you prefer not to see the qBraid terminal banner during startup, you can suppress it by setting the QBRAID_SHOW_BANNER environment variable to false. This adjustment can be made by executing the following command in terminal:

echo "export QBRAID_SHOW_BANNER=false" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"

This command appends the setting to disable the banner to the end of your .bashrc file, ensuring it takes effect in all future terminal sessions.

Disk Usage

Disk Usage Quotas

Users are allocated a limited amount of disk storage based on their subscription tier. It is the user’s responsibility to monitor their storage usage and ensure compliance with their assigned quota. To check their current disk usage and quota, users can use the Compute Manager extension on qBraid Lab.

Exceeding Disk Usage Quotas

  • If a user exceeds their allocated disk space, they will receive a notification prompting them to delete files to stay within their quota.
  • If the user does not reduce their storage usage within the allotted time, their qBraid Lab session will be terminated.
  • Upon logging back in, the user must reduce their disk usage before resuming services.
  • This process will repeat until the user meets the disk usage quota.

Disk Usage Management

Your installed qBraid Lab environments often occupy the most disk space. To free up space, consider uninstalling any environments you no longer use.

To analyze your disk usage in detail, open the Terminal and run the gdu command:

gdu [flags] [directory_to_scan]

For more information on gdu, refer to the official documentation.

Once you’ve identified large or unwanted files and directories, you can delete them using the rm command in the Terminal:

rm -rf [directory_to_delete]

Alternatively, you can remove files and directories from the File Browser by right-clicking and selecting Delete.