File Browser

The file browser and Files menu enable you to work with files and directories on your system. This includes opening, creating, deleting, renaming, downloading, copying, and sharing files and directories. To open the file browser, click on the FILES tab in the left sidebar (or use shortcut Cmd+Shift+F).

The file system can be navigated by double-clicking on folders in the listing or clicking on the folders at the top of the directory listing. To open any file, double-click on its name, or drag the file into the main work area to create a new tab.

Show hidden files

From the top-bar menu, click on View, and then select Show Hidden Files to toggle the visibility of hidden files in the file browser.

Download files

To download a file, open the file browser, right click on the file, and select Download from the context menu.

Download directories

Downloading directories is not currently supported by the JupyterLab file browser. However, as a workaround, you can use the terminal to zip the directory and then download the zip file.

First, open Terminal, and install zip using the following command:

Then, zip the directory using the zip command, specifying both the target directory’s path and the desired name for the resulting zip file. The -r option is essential as it instructs zip to include all subdirectories and their contents recursively. The general command format is as follows:

$ zip -r /path/to/directory

Finally, download the zip file using the file browser.

Upload/Download Files with the qBraid CLI

Use the qBraid CLI to upload and download files between your local machine and qBraid Lab. See the qbraid files command for details.