
qbraid logo qBraid | QIR

qBraid-SDK extension providing support for QIR conversions.



Python package for generating QIR programs from Cirq, and other high-level quantum programming languages. This project aims to make QIR (Quantum Intermediate Representation) accessible via the qBraid-SDK transpiler, and by doing so, open the door to language-specific conversions from any and all high-level quantum languages supported by qbraid.

Interoperability opens doors to cross-fields problem-solving.” - QIR Alliance: Why do we need it?.


pip install qbraid-qir

Test container

Docker image providing an environment for testing and executing QIR programs with the qir-runner package.

Clone the qbraid-qir repository:

git clone
cd qbraid-qir

Build the QIR runner image:

docker build -t qbraid-test/qir-runner:latest qir_runner

Start the container running a Jupyter Server with the JupyterLab frontend and expose the container’s internal port 8888 to port 8888 of the host machine:

docker run -p 8888:8888 qbraid-test/qir-runner:latest

Visiting http://<hostname>:8888/?token=<token> in a browser will launch JupyterLab, where:

  • The hostname is the name of the computer running Docker (e.g. localhost)

  • The token is the secret token printed in the console.

Alternatively, you can open a shell inside the running container directly:

docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash


This project was conceived in cooperation with the Quantum Open Source Foundation (QOSF).





Indices and Tables