Universal command line interface for interacting with all parts of the qBraid platform.
The qBraid CLI is a versatile command-line interface tool designed for seamless interaction with qBraid cloud services and quantum software management tools.Initially exclusive to the qBraid Lab platform, the CLI now supports local installations as well. This enhancement broadens access to features like qBraid Quantum Jobs, enabling direct, pre-configured access to QPUs from IonQ, Oxford Quantum Circuits, QuEra, Rigetti, and IQM, as well as on-demand simulators from qBraid, AWS, IonQ, QuEra, and NEC. See pricing for more.
Getting Started
The qBraid-CLI comes pre-installed and pre-configured in qBraid Lab:
For help, see qBraid Lab User Guide: Getting Started.
Local Setup
If you prefer to use qBraid-CLI on your local machine, you can install it from PyPI with:
To manage qBraid environments using the CLI, you must also install the envs
After installation, you must configure your account credentials to use the CLI locally:
- Create a qBraid account or log in to your existing account by visiting account.qbraid.com
- Copy your API Key token from the left side of your account page:
- Save your API key from step 2 in local configuration file
Important for Windows Users:
If you encounter a warning like:
You need to add the directory containing qbraid.exe to your system’s PATH.
- Copy the directory path provided in the warning.
- Follow these steps:
- Open the Start Menu, search for “Environment Variables,” and select “Edit the system environment variables.”
- In the System Properties window, click the Environment Variables button.
- Under “User variables,” locate the Path variable, click Edit, and add the copied directory.
- Save the changes and restart your terminal.
Basic Commands
A qBraid CLI command has the following structure:
For example, to list installed environments, the command would be:
To view help documentation, use one of the following:
For example:
To get the version of the qBraid CLI: