You can access the CLI directly from within Notebooks using IPython magic commands. First, configure the qBraid magic command extension using:

$ qbraid configure magic

The above command can also be executed from within a Jupyter notebook using the ! operator. Then, from within a notebook cell, load the qBraid magic IPython extension using:

In [1]: %load_ext qbraid_magic

Now you can continue to use the qBraid-CLI as normal from within your Jupyter notebook using the magic % operator, e.g.

In [2]: %qbraid

In [3]: %qbraid --version

Quantum Jobs

Check whether quantum jobs are enabled in your current notebook, and enable Amazon Braket quantum jobs:

In [4]: %qbraid jobs state

In [5]: %qbraid jobs enable braket -y

After enabling quantum jobs within a notebook, you must restart your kernel in order for the changes to take effect.

To use qbraid jobs commands within a notebook, you must prefix them with the % magic operator. Using the ! operator instead will likely result in errors, as it executes the commands as regular bash commands without leveraging the notebook context.

qBraid Chat

Leverage qbraid chat as an in-line coding assistant with magic commands. Ask questions using the --prompt or -p flag to receive plain-text responses:

In [5]: %qbraid chat --prompt "What is a qubit?"

For raw code responses, use the --format or -f option with the code format:

In [6]: %qbraid chat -f code -p "Write a Cirq bell circuit"

The generated code will be automatically inserted into the notebook cell below.