.. _lab_pricing: :orphan: Pricing --------- Each qBraid credit is worth $.01 USD, so a quantum job costing $3.80 would subtract 380 credits from your qBraid balance. Credits can be `purchased `_ from your account page, or `redeemed `_ using an access key. You can check your current credit balance on your `account page `_, Quantum Computers (on-demand) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are two pricing components for on-demand use of a quantum computer, or quantum processing unit (QPU), on qBraid: a per-shot fee and a per-task fee. A shot is a single execution of a quantum algorithm on a QPU. For example, a shot is a single pass through each stage of a complete quantum circuit on a gate-based QPU from IonQ, Rigetti, or OQC. or the time evolution of a Hamiltonian on a QPU from QuEra. A task is a sequence of repeated shots based on the same circuit design or Hamiltonian. You define how many shots you want included in a task when you submit the task to Amazon Braket. Per-task pricing is the same across all QPUs. The per-shot pricing depends on the type of QPU used. For gate-based QPUs, the per-shot price is not affected by the number or type of gates used in a quantum circuit. Note that the use of error mitigation on IonQ's Aria QPU requires a minimum of 2,500 shots per task. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Hardware Provider - QPU Family - Per-task price - Per-shot price * - IonQ - Harmony - 30 credits - 1 credit * - IonQ - Aria - 30 credits - 3 credits * - OQC - Lucy - 30 credits - 0.035 credits * - QuEra - Aquila - 30 credits - 1 credit * - Rigetti - Aspen-M - 30 credits - 0.035 credits Quantum Circuit Simulators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Verify your circuits using a simulator before you run it on a QPU, so you can fine-tune your circuit without incurring charges for QPU usage. Although the results from running the circuit on a simulator may not be identical to the results from running the circuit on a QPU, you can identify coding errors or configuration issues using a simulator. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Provider - Simulator - Per-minute price * - AWS - DM1 - 7.5 credits * - AWS - SV1 - 7.5 credits * - AWS - TN1 - 7.5 credits CPUs + GPUs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ qBraid Lab classical compute pay-as-you go pricing. Instances marked with an asterisk (*) are available only via `subscription `_. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Instance - CPU - GPU - RAM - Per-minute price * - Free - 2 x86_64 - 0 - 4G - 0.00 credits * - Standard* - 4 x86_64 - 0 - 8G - 0.00 credits * - Pro* - 10 x86_64 - 0 - 59G - 0.00 credits * - GPU - 4 x86_64 - 1 NVIDIA V100 - 25G - 4.13 credits .. seealso:: - `qBraid Lab GPUs `_ - `Compute Manager `_ - `Quantum Jobs `_ - `Quantum Devices `_