Overview ========= .. raw:: html

qbraid logo qBraid | Lab

A web-based IDE optimized for quantum computing.

`qBraid Lab `_ is a web-based JupyterLab deployment providing curated software tools for for researchers and developers in quantum computing. - Hosts **30+** configurable quantum software environments in **Python**, **Julia**, **C++**, and **Q#**. - Integrates with **GitHub**, **VSCode**, **ChatGPT**, and more. - **Collaborative tools** enable sharing notebooks, environments, and code snippets. - Provides direct access to a robust suite of computing resources, encompassing scalable **CPUs**, **GPUs**, and **QPUs**. .. image:: ../_static/getting_started/launcher.png :width: 90% :alt: Lab interface :target: javascript:void(0); | User Guide ----------- - `Account `_ - `Add access key `_ - `Getting Started `_ - `Launch Lab `_ - `Lab interface `_ - `Lab server `_ - `Environments `_ - `Install environment `_ - `Create environment `_ - `Share environment `_ - `Uninstall / cancel install environment `_ - `Install new package `_ - `Activate environment (kernel) `_ - `Command-line usage `_ - `Featured environments `_ - `Kernels `_ - `Add/remove kernels `_ - `Julia `_ - `C++ `_ - `Notebooks `_ - `Create notebook `_ - `Switch notebook kernel `_ - `Share noteboook `_ - `Quantum Devices `_ - `Quantum Devices Sidebar `_ - `Quantum Jobs `_ - `Credits `_ - `Which environments? `_ - `Enable/disable `_ - `Manage `_ - `Code Snippets `_ - `Key Features `_ - `GPUs `_ - `Launch GPU instance `_ - `Configuration `_ - `GPU-enabled environments `_ - `Omnisearch `_ - `GitHub `_ - `ChatGPT `_ - `Quantum Docs `_ - `Browse by company `_ - `Company link page `_ - `Jupyter Extensions `_ - `Filebrowser `_ - `Git `_ - `Resource Usage `_ - `Integrations `_ - `Visual Studio Code `_ - `System Info `_ - `Operating System `_ - `Pre-Installed Software `_ - `Troubleshooting `_ - `Error launching Lab `_ - `Lab server errors `_ - `ModuleNotFoundError `_ - `NoRegionError `_ - `Extension sidebar errors `_ - `Pricing `_ - `Quantum Computers (on-demand) `_ - `Quantum Circuit Simulators `_ - `CPUs + GPUs `_ .. seealso:: - `Project Jupyter `_ - `JupyterLab `_ - `Jupyter Notebook `_