qbraid jobs =================== Manage qBraid quantum jobs. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid jobs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **Options**: * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * ``disable``: Disable qBraid Quantum Jobs. * ``enable``: Enable qBraid Quantum Jobs. * ``list``: List qBraid Quantum Jobs. * ``state``: Display the state of qBraid Quantum Jobs... qbraid jobs disable --------------------------- Disable qBraid Quantum Jobs. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid jobs disable [OPTIONS] LIBRARY **Arguments**: * ``LIBRARY``: Software library with quantum jobs support. [required] **Options**: * ``-y, --yes``: Automatically answer 'yes' to all prompts * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. qbraid jobs enable -------------------------- Enable qBraid Quantum Jobs. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid jobs enable [OPTIONS] LIBRARY **Arguments**: * ``LIBRARY``: Software library with quantum jobs support. [required] **Options**: * ``-y, --yes``: Automatically answer 'yes' to all prompts * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. qbraid jobs list ------------------------ List qBraid Quantum Jobs. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid jobs list [OPTIONS] **Options**: * `-l, --limit INTEGER`: Limit the maximum number of results returned [default: 10] * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. qbraid jobs state ------------------------- Display the state of qBraid Quantum Jobs for the current environment. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid jobs state [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY] **Arguments**: * `[LIBRARY]`: Optional: Specify a software library with quantum jobs support to check its status. **Options**: * ``--help``: Show this message and exit.