qbraid admin ==================== CI/CD commands for qBraid maintainers. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid admin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **Options**: * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * ``headers``: Verifies and optionally fixes qBraid... qbraid admin headers ---------------------------- Verifies and optionally fixes qBraid headers in specified files and directories. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid admin headers [OPTIONS] SRC_PATHS... **Arguments**: * ``SRC_PATHS...``: Source file or directory paths to verify. [required] **Options**: * `-t, --type TEXT`: Type of header to use ('default' or 'gpl'). [default: default] * ``-s, --skip TEXT``: Files to skip during verification. * ``-f, --fix``: Whether to fix the headers instead of just verifying. * ``--help``: Show this message and exit.