qbraid ============== The qBraid CLI. **Usage**: .. code-block:: console $ qbraid [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... **Options**: * ``-v, --version``: Show the version and exit. * ``--install-completion``: Install completion for the current shell. * ``--show-completion``: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation. * ``--help``: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * ``admin``: CI/CD commands for qBraid maintainers. * ``configure``: Configure qBraid CLI options. * ``credits``: Manage qBraid credits. * ``devices``: Manage qBraid quantum devices. * ``envs``: Manage qBraid environments. * ``jobs``: Manage qBraid quantum jobs. * ``kernels``: Manage qBraid kernels.