
In this module, you will learn how to use the qBraid SDK to manage your quantum jobs.

Submit Jobs

The device module illustrated how qBraid device wrappers can be used execute circuits on quantum backends. Using the OQC Lucy QPU as our example target backend, the procedure was as follows:

>>> from qbraid import device_wrapper
>>> qbraid_id = 'aws_oqc_lucy'
>>> qdevice = device_wrapper(qbraid_id)
>>> qjob =
>>> type(qjob)

Invoking the run method of a qBraid QuantumDevice returns a qBraid QuantumJob. Through a unified set of methods and attributes, this class provides access to data about the quantum jobs executed across any qBraid supported backend. You can also directly access the wrapped “job-like” object using the _job attribute.

>>> type(qjob._job)

Check the status of your quantum job using the status method:

>>> qjob.status()
<JobStatus.QUEUED: 1>

Each quantum job executed through the qBraid SDK is assigned its own unique job ID.


Batch Jobs

For AWS devices, run_batch will create a list of quantum job objects:

>>> aws_device = device_wrapper('aws_ionq_harmony')
>>> batch_jobs = aws_device.run_batch([circuit1, circuit2, circuit3], shots=1000)
>>> batch_results = [job.result() for job in batch_jobs]

For IBM devices, run_batch will create a single object that contains all batch jobs:

>>> ibm_device = device_wrapper('ibm_q_kyoto')
>>> batch_job = ibm_device.run_batch([circuit1, circuit2, circuit3], shots=1000)
>>> batch_result = batch_job.result()

Retrieve Jobs

You can use the get_jobs function to a return a list of your previously submitted quantum jobs, along with the status of each. A number of filtering options are available to help narrow your search. Query syntax is equivalent to that of the get_devices unified device search. By default, get_jobs returns the 10 most recently submitted jobs matching your search.

>>> from qbraid import get_jobs
>>> get_jobs(filters={"qbraidDeviceId": "aws_oqc_lucy"})
Displaying 10 most recent jobs matching query:

Job ID                                                  Submitted                 Status
------                                                  ---------                 ------
aws_oqc_lucy-exampleuser-qjob-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      2023-05-21T21:13:48.220Z  RUNNING
aws_oqc_lucy-exampleuser-qjob-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy      2023-04-15T11:09:56.783Z  COMPLETED

This job ID can be used to reinstantiate a qBraid QuantumJob object at any time, and even in a seperate program, with no loss of information.

>>> from qbraid import job_wrapper
>>> saved_job_id = 'aws_oqc_lucy-exampleuser-qjob-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
>>> qjob = job_wrapper(saved_job_id)

You can also load a previously submitted jobs directly through the corresponding provider class:

>>> from import BraketQuantumTask
>>> qjob = BraketQuantumTask(saved_job_id)

Jobs submitted through the SDK are organized in the qBraid Lab Quantum Jobs Sidebar:

Quantum Jobs sidebar

Tagged Jobs

Use the tags kwarg in run and run_batch methods to organize your jobs so they can easily be found later. AWS devices support tags passed as key/value pairs, while IBM devices support tags as individual values in a list.

>>> aws_job =, tags={'my_tag': '*'})
>>> ibm_job =, tags=['my_tag'])

Due to this difference in convention, tagged IBM jobs are searchable using the * wildcard character as a tag value:

>>> qbraid.get_jobs(filters={"tags": "my_tag", "*"})
Displaying 2/2 most recent jobs matching query:

Job ID                                                   Submitted              Status
------                                                   ---------              ------
aws_ionq_harmony-exampleuser-qjob-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   2024-01-04T19:20:49Z   QUEUED
ibm_q_kyoto-exampleuser-qjob-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy        2024-01-04T19:22:10Z   QUEUED

Cost Tracker

Retrieve the cost of a quantum task submitted to an AWS device:

>>> aws_job.get_cost()
>>> qjob.get_cost() # returns cost in USD

Job Results

Once a quantum job is complete, use the result method to gather the result:

>>> qjob.wait_for_final_state()
>>> qjob.status()
<JobStatus.COMPLETED: 6>
>>> qresult = qjob.result()

The next module will go in depth on qBraid SDK quantum results.