
Let’s start by defining a simple qiskit quantum circuit that we wish to execute.

import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)

circuit.ry(np.pi / 4, 0)
circuit.rz(np.pi / 2, 0)
circuit.measure(0, 0)

This time, we’ll run our quantum program on the IBMQ Nairobi QPU. After the job has completed, we’ll gather the result, print the measurement counts, and plot a histogram of the probabilities.

from qbraid.providers import QbraidProvider
from qbraid.visualization import plot_histogram

shots = 2**10

provider = QbraidProvider()
qdevice = provider.get_device('ibm_q_nairobi')
qjob =, shots=shots)

qresult_ibmq = qjob.result()
# {'0': 136, '1': 864}



The results layer follows the same wrapper abstraction as the circuit, device and job layers. You can access the underlying “result-like” object using the _result attribute:

>>> type(qresult_ibmq)
>>> type(qresult_ibmq._result)

Now, let’s run a batch job using two copies of the one-qubit qiskit circuit on a density-matrix simulator provided AWS:

aws_device = provider.get_device('aws_dm_sim')

batch_jobs = aws_device.run_batch([circuit, circuit], shots=shots)

batch_results = [job.result() for job in batch_jobs]

batch_counts = [result.measurement_counts() for result in batch_results]

Using the qBraid quantum wrapper flow, result data will be returned with consistent typing, formatting, and qubit indexing for every supported backend.

>>> batch_counts[0]
{'0': 136, '1': 864}
>>> batch_counts[1]
{'0': 166, '1': 834}
>>> plot_histogram(batch_counts)


The qBraid SDK not only allows executing your quantum programs on a range of quantum backends, but also has built-in protocols that enable seemless comparisson of results. As shown above, we can now easily compare the measurement counts across both runs, perfect for benchmarking and countless other applications.