Source code for qbraid.get_jobs

# Copyright (C) 2023 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string

Module to retrieve, update, and display information about quantum
jobs submitted through the qBraid SDK.


import warnings
from typing import Any, Optional

    from IPython.display import HTML, clear_output, display
except ImportError:

from qbraid_core import QbraidSession
from import QuantumClient, process_job_data

from ._display import running_in_jupyter, update_progress_bar

def _display_basic(data: list[str], message: str) -> None:
    if len(data) == 0:
        headers = ["Job ID", "Submitted", "Status"]

        max_job_id_length = max(len(str(job_id)) for job_id, _, _ in data)
        max_job_id_length = max(max_job_id_length, len(headers[0]))

        header_format = "{:<" + str(max_job_id_length) + "} {:<25} {:<15}"
        separator_format = "{:<" + str(max_job_id_length) + "} {:<25} {:<15}"
        row_format = "{:<" + str(max_job_id_length) + "} {:<25} {:<15}"


        separators = ["-" * len(header) for header in headers]

        for job_id, timestamp, status in data:
            print(row_format.format(job_id, timestamp, status))

def _display_jupyter(data: list[str], message: Optional[str] = None, align: str = "right"):

    html = """<h3>Quantum Jobs</h3><table><tr>
    <th style='text-align:left'>qBraid ID</th>
    <th style='text-align:left'>Submitted</th>
    <th style='text-align:left'>Status</th></tr>

    for job_id, timestamp, status_str in data:
        if status_str == "COMPLETED":
            color = "green"
        elif status_str == "FAILED":
            color = "red"
        elif status_str in [
            color = "blue"
            color = "grey"

        status = f"<span style='color:{color}'>{status_str}</span>"

        html += f"""<tr>
        <td style='text-align:left'>{job_id}</td>
        <td style='text-align:left'>{timestamp}</td>
        <td style='text-align:left'>{status}</td></tr>

    html += f"<tr><td colspan='4'; style='text-align:{align}'>{message}</td></tr>"

    html += "</table>"

    return display(HTML(html))

def _refresh_jobs(job_data: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    """Refreshes the status of all quantum jobs in the list."""
    from qbraid.providers import QuantumJob  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    count = 0
    num_jobs = len(job_data)
    job_data_refresh = []
    for job_id, created_at, status in job_data:
        count += 1
        progress = count / num_jobs
            status_final = QuantumJob.status_final(status)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            status_final = True
        if not status_final:
                qbraid_job = QuantumJob.retrieve(job_id)
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    status_obj = qbraid_job.status()
                status =
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        job_data_refresh.append([job_id, created_at, status])

    return job_data_refresh

[docs] def get_jobs(filters: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, refresh: bool = False, raw: bool = False): """Displays a list of quantum jobs submitted by user, tabulated by job ID, the date/time it was submitted, and status. You can specify filters to narrow the search by supplying a dictionary containing the desired criteria. **Request Syntax:** .. code-block:: python get_jobs( filters={ 'qbraidJobId': 'string', 'vendorJobId': 'string', 'qbraidDeviceId: 'string', 'circuitNumQubits': 123, 'circuitDepth': 123, 'shots': 123, 'status': 'string', 'numResults': 123 } ) # pylint: disable=line-too-long **Filters:** * **qbraidJobId** (str): The qBraid ID of the quantum job * **vendorJobId** (str): The Job ID assigned by the software provider to whom the job was submitted * **qbraidDeviceId** (str): The qBraid ID of the device used in the job * **circuitNumQubits** (int): The number of qubits in the quantum circuit used in the job * **circuitDepth** (int): The depth the quantum circuit used in the job * **shots** (int): Number of shots used in the job * **status** (str): The status of the job * **numResults** (int): Maximum number of results to display. Defaults to 10 if not specified. Args: filters (dict): A dictionary containing any filters to be applied. refresh (bool): If True, refreshes the status of all jobs before displaying them. raw (bool): If True, returns a list of job IDs instead of displaying the jobs. """ filters = filters or {} session = QbraidSession() if len(filters) == 0: client = QuantumClient(session=session) jobs = client.search_jobs() else: jobs ="/get-user-jobs", json=filters).json() job_data, msg = process_job_data(jobs, filters) if refresh: job_data = _refresh_jobs(job_data) if raw: return [job[0] for job in job_data] align = "center" if len(job_data) == 0 else "right" if running_in_jupyter(): return _display_jupyter(job_data, msg, align=align) return _display_basic(job_data, msg)